
Una pareja pierde 180 kilos y comparte su secreto

Como un deseo de año nuevo comenzó la proeza de bajar de peso y cambiar radicalmente sus vidas. Una hermosa historia de amor.

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11 de diciembre de 2017 | 13:01

Una pareja causa sensación en Instagram tras bajar 180 kilos. Se trata de Lexi y Danny Reed quienes como propósito de año nuevo decidieron bajar de peso y el resultado fue increíble. Una hermosa historia de amor y un ejemplo de tenacidad y esfuerzo.

#swolematesunday -394👇lbs since 1/1/16! This man has stuck by my side through thick & thin. @discoveringdanny has loved me no matter my size and never asked me to change. He treats me the same way at 179lbs that he treated me at 485lbs. When we got married we made vows to low eachother for better for worse through sickness and in health until death do us part. ❤ We meant those words and we are so happy for this new life we are living. Don't wait until the New Year to change like we did - start today! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #gym #workout #fitfam #fitspo #fitnesssmotivation #goals #healthylifestyle #diet #fitness #love #couplegoals #relationshipgoals #diet #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fattofit #fedupfam #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #losingweight #transformation

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

En enero de 2016, ella pesaba 219 kilos y él 127, tenían numerosos problemas de salud y vivían fatigados por su sobrepeso. Todo ello los llevó a cambiar radicalmente sus hábitos y a motivarse mutuamente.

#transformationtuesday -303lbs 👇 in less than 22 months! At 25 years old, 485lbs & a BMI of 78 - I had hit my rock bottom. I knew I had to change to save my life. I knew i was in control of my own future which i knew meant I had to completely change my lifestyle. No meal plan, surgery, personal trainer, or anything like that - but hard work, diet, & exercise. I was fedup with living a life on the sidelines. I was fedup with feeling like a prisoner in my own body. I was fedup with being the "fat girl." I was fedup with being out of breath with any activity, not fitting in booths, not fitting on rollercoasters, constantly over thinking things due to my weight, and I wanted more out of my life. So I decided to fight back and give up the things that didnt fit my goals. I fell in love with taking care of myself and used the gym as a form of therapy instead of food. Pound by pound & step by step - the weight peeled off and I broke out of my prison. My weight no longer held me back as a prisoner and instead of just exsisting- I WAS LIVING. Decide you are FEDUP and join me in the fight of your life - Start today! #weightloss #fedup #dietbet #fatgirlfedup #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #weightlossgoals #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #gym #fitnessmotivation #motivation #fitnessmotivation #obesetobeast #fattofit #transformation #transform #weightlossjourney #fitfam #fitspo #weightlosstransformation

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

Además, la pareja documentó todo el proceso y lo fue compartiendo a través de Instagram, donde ya tienen cerca de 500 mil seguidores.

#mancrushmonday goes out to my husband, best friend, swole/soul mate, prom date, gym partner, high school sweet heart, and the man who made me who I am today @dannyreed5. Our wedding day was perfect and he always made me feel beautiful no matter what size. I wouldn't change a single thing about our wedding day & it was honestly one of the best days of my life! I dont regret getting married when I was 485lbs and I felt beautiful despite my size. My goal was to feel like a princess and even though finding a dress was a struggle - my size 34 dress was perfect for me. Together weve lost 392lbs together, but we gained a life! #husband #love #relationshipgoals #couplegoals #goals #fattofit #obesetobeast #beastmode #fedup #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #losingweight #diet #fitness #fitfam #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #fitchick #fitcouple #gym #plussize #wedding #bride #marriage #weightloss #weightlossjourney

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

Los esposos dijeron en la red social que cambiaron sus hábitos diarios para poder cumplir su meta. Comenzaron a ir al gimnasio juntos y a comer saludablemente. "Nunca esperé un impacto tan grande, solo quería estar saludable", dijo Lexi quien pasó de talla 28 a talla 10 en tan solo dos años.

“Hacer esto en pareja nos ha ayudado de muchas maneras”, dijo Lexi Reed de 27 años a ABC News. “En los días que no estábamos motivados, nos empujábamos mutuamente para ir al gimnasio. También comenzamos a preparar las comidas juntos, estableciendo objetivos”, agregó la mujer.

#swolematesunday -392lbs 👇 combined since 1/1/16! The girl on the left had no idea that in just a few hours she would be proposed too. She struggled to walk onto the beach to see the sunset where @dannyreed5 told her how much he loved her & asked her to be his wife. He didnt care that she weighed 485lbs. He didnt care that people didnt understand why he chose her. He didnt care that she wasnt a fitness model and was plus size. He loved her no matter what shape, size, or flaws & never asked her to change. He supported her goals & dreams & loved her for who she was - no matter what size. He saw who she could be before she even saw the greatness within herself. To be his wife is a gift and i'm lucky to have someone who pushes me daily. Together we are unstoppable and well never go back to the life we lived before. We may have lost 392lbs, but we gained a life. We all deserve someone who loves us for our heart - not our size. We are all beautiful despite a number on the scale & no one should make us feel any less. Surround yourself with those who lift you higher & see the greatness in you even when you dont see it yourself! #love #couples #couplegoals #relationshipgoals #swolemates #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fitnessjourney #dietbet #indiana #ellenshow #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #motivation #gym #extremeweightloss #fitspo #fitfam #muscles #lift #gymlife #fattofit #obesetobeast #transform #weightlosstransformation #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitcouple

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

Según los especialistas, entrenar y pasar por el proceso en pareja es la clave del éxito de los famosos esposos de Instagram. “Un compañero de entrenamiento es la clave. La responsabilidad lo es todo", dijo el entrenador de fitness Latreal Mitchell a ACB News. "No todos los días vamos a querer salir y dar lo mejor de sí. Al menos tendrás a alguien que te diga: ‘Vamos, hoy es mi día para alentarte’, y viceversa

#facetofacefriday -377lbs combined since last year. Weight loss changes alot of things, but it hasn't changed the fact that @dannyreed5 has been by side. For better for worse, in sickness & in health, aswell as through thick and thin - we have changed our life together for the better. ❤ You are worthy of someone who loves you for you and supports your dreams/goals. Whether it's in friendships, relationships, or a family member - surround yourself with those who see the greatness in you, even when you don't see it yourself. #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fitspo #transformation #diet #dietbet #goals #motivation #obesetobeast #fattofit #extremeweightloss #gym #anytimefitness #fitnessmotivation #weightlosstransformation #workout #exercise #gymlife #inspire #mealprep #lowcarb #countingcalories #foodie #losingweight #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitcouple #swolemate #extremeweightloss #gym

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

Actualmente, Danny Reed pesa 86 kilos y su esposa Lexi 82, aunque aseguraron que el proceso no fue nada sencillo. "La parte más difícil fue cambiar nuestra relación con la comida", aseguró Lexi Reed a ABC News.

"You have what it takes, but it's going to take everything you've got." How bad do you want it? How much are you willing to sacrifice & push through? So many Saturday mornings we spent sleeping in until noon, not today! Rise & grind! We had too much fun & too many drinks to celebrate my besties birthday last night. We woke up feeling pretty hungover this morning, but we didnt let it stop us. In the beginning of my journey I told myself everyday I slept in was a day that put me further away from my goals. I told myself I could sleep with my dreams or wake up and chase them. I started getting up earlier and putting more time into my health. Slowly but surely it became a habit & my life changed. 40 minutes of cardio this morning with @dannyreed5 is complete! #weightloss #goals #swolematesaturday #swolemates #love #couple #couplegoals #fitness #fit #fitfam #weightlossjourney #fattofit #obesetobeast #beastmode #diet #losingweight #progressnotperfection #balance #grind #hustle #hardwork #selflove #relationshipgoals #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #gym #workout

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

"Cuando pesaba 219 kilos nunca cocinaba. Mi esposo y yo íbamos a comer en casi todas las comidas y si cocinábamos en casa, era pizza congelada o cualquier otra cosa no saludable. Descubrimos que, al preparar las comidas en lugar de depender de la comida rápida, pudimos mantener nuestras metas cuando estábamos trabajando", contó Lexi.

#throwbackthursday to my wedding bra & when they fitted me into a 52F bra. When I married @discoveringdanny on October 3rd, 2015 - I weighed 485lbs. I always wanted to lose weight, but it wasnt until January 2016 I fully committed & then lost 300lbs. Nothing about shopping for a wedding dress at 485lbs was glamorous. Between not being able to find a dress to getting fitted for a bra - nobody knew how to treat a plus size bride. Nobody knew how to make me feel like a bride, and not my size. Thank god I was strong enough to know my worth, and kept searching for my 34W dress even though I questioned if I would ever find one. I debated for a long time about opening my own plus size bridal shop after my experiences dress shopping, but nothing they said to me, and no judgemental looks could make me feel any less. Skinny or heavy I was getting to marry my bestfriend after 10 years. Skinny or heavy I knew I would feel beautiful on my wedding day. Skinny or heavy I knew it was going to be a day i'd never forger & one of the best days of my life. Skinny or heavy - I was worthy of someone who loved me for my heart and not my size. Never make anyone feel any less because they're not a size 0 or what society says they should be. I CHOSE to get healthy because I loved myself enough to change my life. Not because I was unhappy with who I was before. I'm super proud of the girl who fought to get where i am now. I chose to get healthy for me, not anyone else. Love yourself enough to live your best life - start today! #obesetobeast #dietbet #fatgirlfedup #fedup #sweat #dance #goals #weightloss #gym #weightlossjourney #diet #extremeweightloss #swolemate #fitcouple #instafit #food #lowcarb #countingcalories #progress #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #wedding #selflove #weightlosstransformation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fattofit #transformation #fitspo #weightlosstransformation

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

"No hay palabras para explicar la sensación de salvar tu propia vida", agregó Lexi Reed. "Entrando al 2018 no tengo más que felicidad. Ya no soy prisionera de mi propio cuerpo y en lugar de solo existir en mi propia vida, finalmente estoy viva. Todos los días me levanto y es una bendición", finalizó la mujer.

Saying goodbye to the Ocean this morning. I'll never take this place for granted, it's so beautiful. Time to drive 14 hours & finally be back home after 10 days tomorrow! I miss my fur babies & my routine, but it was nice to have some quality time with @dannyreed5. I encourage you to take vacations, see new places, and just live your life. Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul. ❤ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedup or have too much fun this summer & want to lose weight with me? Let's reach our goals together! Join my summer comeback dietbet! Bet $30 you can lose 4% of your weight in a month & when you do split the pot with the other winners! Last month the pot was over $109K! Share tips, recipes, win money & be part of our weightloss tribe! Link in bio or #weightloss #weightlossjourney #goals #extremeweightloss #fit #gym #fitness #plussize #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #healthy #health #fitfam #motivation #fattofit #obesetobeast #fatloss #losingweight #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #progress #transformation #transform #diet #countingcalories

Una publicación compartida de Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) el

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