
Un argentino es el mejor del mundo disfrazándose de personajes de Disney

Empezó a los 12 y hoy vive de eso. Es el cosplayer hombre más famoso del planeta. Mirá la increíble galería de imágenes.

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Redacción ElNueve.com
15 de septiembre de 2018 | 11:29

A los 12 años, Jonathan Stryker comenzó a disfrazarse de sus personajes favoritos, pero  jamás hubiera imaginado convertirse en el cosplayer más famoso del mundo.

Soy súper nerd desde chiquito. Mis hermanos y yo siempre veíamos Los Caballeros del Zodiaco, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball y jugábamos a un montón de juegos. Después descubrí que existían las convenciones. Me disfracé de Rock Lee de Naruto y me encantó! Desde ese día no paré más”, contó el joven.

Es argentino pero vive en Miami, y desde hace ya varios años se dedica al cosplayer de modo profesional, disfrazándose con increíble realismo y precisión y participando de convenciones en distintos lugares del mundo.

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It's Disney Week! 🌟 Next up, a handsome God, HERCULES! 💪🏼 Just finished making this costume and shot it 😅 Today is a very special day to me. Exactly one year ago I met someone very special to me that would later help me understand who I truly am, much like Hercules in his quest to become a hero. And like with Megara, I'll forever have a place in my heart for this person ❤️ Something I really loved about Hercules was the scene when Zeus tells Hercules that he has the chin of a God. In middle school, this kid would make fun of my big chin. I became very insecure about it for much of my life. Thanks to Hercules, I now see it differently: I have the chin of the Gods! SO FUCK YOU PEASANT ASSHOLE FOR MAKING FUN OF ME 😂 Final Disney character tomorrow! ✨ Who do you think it will be? 🤔 #jstryker #disney #waltdisney #disneyworld #waltdisneyworld #hercules #gaymer #gayfit #gaynerd #gaygeek #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayers #god

Una publicación compartida de J Stryker (@strykerkun) el

Stryker tiene más de 170 mil seguidores en su cuenta de Instagram, y se dedica tiempo completo a algo que además de ser su afición se ha convertido en su medio de vida.

Los trajes los hago todos yo. Salvo ropa que ya tengo, tipo si necesito usar pantalones negros y los tengo, me los pongo. A maquillarme aprendí solo y fui mejorando poco a poco”, aseguróla estrella internacional del cosplay.



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Genderbend Disney Week continues! ✨ Next up, a bitch that needs a haircut 💇🏼‍♀️ From Tangled: Rapaulzel? I don't know 😂 Bro, it's fucking impossible making Rapunzel look masculine. I look gay af I know 😂🤷🏻‍♂️ Her clothes are all pinkish and even if I wanted to do short hair I can't cause it's fucking Rapunzel and it wouldn't make sense 😂😂 Whatever bro. Lemme look like a Barbie for once 😂 I've been feeling really good. Still hitting the gym extra hard and motivated to get shit done 💪🏼 Ordered some books last night too. Investing in your mental health is very important. I see many people struggling with it but not doing anything about it. My two best suggestions are getting some books like The Secret, The Four Agreements, The Alchemist and similar titles. They're hella life changing and come with so much wisdom and healing. Secondly, I recommend breaking habits and getting out of the house, ALONE. Go sit at the beach by yourself. Get some coffee and watch ducks at the lake, go on a bike ride, go for a walk, anything to break the routine. It's so healthy to spend time with yourself! That's how self-love begins to grow. Get out there guys! 😊 New and final character will be up tomorrow! Who will it be!? 🤔 Mucho love ❤️ #jstryker #cosplay #cosplayer #malecosplay #disney #disneyworld #waltdisney #rapunzel #genderbend #makeup #weave

Una publicación compartida de J Stryker (@strykerkun) el



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