
La modelo que aumentó 30 kilos y dice que es “feliz”

La joven se cansó del agotador entrenamiento para mantener su figura, y aclaró que “la salud mental es tan importante como la física”.

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10 de marzo de 2018 | 13:09

La modela australiana La’Tecia Thomas se ha trasformado en un fenómeno viral por hacer el camino inverso al resto de sus colegas. La joven, que ahora tiene 26 años, se cansó del agotador entrenamiento para mantener su figura y decidió hacer un cambio drástico.

New YouTube video is up✨ Me then vs now- body positivity, happiness and confidence. I'm not going to say too much here because everything I want to say is addressed in the video, link can be found in my bio. It has taken me a lot to show you guys this comparison from 2014 to now, there is a clear physical difference however what you don't see- a MAJOR overhaul in my mindset, happiness, confidence and self worth. Hopefully this video will help someone that may be struggling with what I did or maybe It'll help someone that you know is. Things I cover include growing up, being put down, training to compete in a fitness competition why I became a vegetarian, how I've become confident , modeling & more. I've made it VERY clear in the video that I'm not trying to promote an unhealthy lifestyle. Bless 🌻t

Una publicación compartida de La'Tecia (@lateciat) el

En la actualidad, la modelo pesa 30 kilos más y aclara que “ahora si es feliz”. Además, manifestó que “la salud mental es tan importante como la física”, según la publicación del Daily Mail.

Wanting share with you all again that it’s important to love yourself regardless of your size. I loathed how I looked on the left, and yes that is ME in both pictures. I was insecure, I compared my self to other women, constantly put myself down and never felt good enough, I’d rather be caught dead than seen in a swimsuit. The difference now other than the obvious is that I’m in a different mindset. I’m not saying that you will be happier on the opposite spectrum but I think it’s important to have a positive relationship between your mind and your body first and foremost at whatever size you may be. Also just a side note- I’m beyond grateful for the love and support from half a milli of you🙀! I love hearing your stories, you are the reason why I do what I do 💛🌻

Una publicación compartida de La'Tecia (@lateciat) el

La joven detalló, en declaraciones al show televisivo australiano, The Morning Show, que sigue haciendo ejercicio diariamente y que se cuida, pero que ha dejado de obsesionarse con las calorías y “los números”. Ahora vive una vida “más equilibrada”.

I was going through my phone and I found this old photo of me back when I was training to compete in a bikini competition. So many people will look at this photo and make physical comparisons and say they would prefer me 'before'. I prefer me at any weight as long as I'm happy. It's okay to love yourself no matter what your size is. I remember how unhappy I was In the picture to the left, I would loathe certain parts of my body- particularly my bum/ thighs because that was and is the hardest part of my body to loose. I had so many insecurities, I compared myself to other women and I lacked confidence. Since changing my outlook on life and learning to embrace who I am, I know that hypothetically if I were to go back to what I used to be I would be so much happier and content than what I was because I've learned to love me. Your mental health is just as important as your physical. Also I'm not saying it's okay to be inactive and make unhealthy choices, I think it's about finding balance, listen to your body, you know what's best for it. 🌻

Una publicación compartida de La'Tecia (@lateciat) el

 “Muchas personas prefieren mi antigua figura, pero la salud mental es tan importante como la física. Me amo con cualquier peso que tenga, lo principal es sentirse feliz”, aseguró Thomas. Luego, agregó: “Recuerdo lo infeliz que me sentía antes. Me comparaba todo el tiempo con las demás chicas, estaba desnutrida y carecía de confianza”.

“Creo que es importante tener una relación positiva entre tu mente y tu cuerpo en primer lugar, independientemente del tamaño que tengas", afirmó la mujer que causa sensación en las redes sociales por las fotos que sube en las cuales se muestra tal como es.

Forever chasing the sun ☀️

Una publicación compartida de La'Tecia (@lateciat) el

La modelo asegura que publica sus imágenes sin retoques, lo más genuinas posibles: "Creo que mis brazos grandes, mi celulitis y mis rollos en la espalda se ven bien en el encuadre natural".

En algunos casos, Thomas, que actualmente reside en Los Ángeles, ha posteado en Instagram cómo se vería la foto con retoques para poner en evidencia el efecto negativo que pueden tener sobre las mujeres este tipo de imágenes que no son reales.

What you see online or in the media isn’t always the complete truth. This is not about putting anyone on blast but moreso a reminder to not compare yourself to anyone else. In this instance I can’t even compare myself to myself. These photos were shot around the same time; one obviously retouched and the other not. - When I look at the left images I’m like damn can I please look like that and its Fk$!n ME!?! If I can’t be that person on the left (which is absurd because it’s me) then I can only imagine the effect this has on women. I think my big arms, my cellulite, my back rolls, the dimples on my butt look fine in the natural shot. I can’t always have control of what other people do to my images but on my page I’m always going to keep it 100 with you. I think both images are beautiful but be realistic with yourself, you don’t need to look a certain way to be appreciated and know that you’re worthy.

Una publicación compartida de La'Tecia (@lateciat) el


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