
Dejó la civilización para vivir desnuda en la selva

Una youtuber australiana hizo un cambio drástico de vida y se fue a vivir al medio de la jungla.

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26 de junio de 2018 | 13:43

La australiana Freelee "The Banana Girl", de 37 años, se mudó al medio de la jungla para librarse de "la vida de esclava" que llevaba trabajando cinco días a la semana. Abandonó la ciudad para experimentar una vida saludable, sin confort, maquillaje y totalmente desnuda, según informa el diario Daily Mail. 

Hace un año, la mujer viajó con su pareja a la selva tropical sudamericana para cultivar su propia fruta. Contó que hasta el momento ahorró más de 4 mil dólares en depilación, maquillaje y champú. "Quería inspirarme y sentir algo significativo todos los días", relató Freelee.

Sometimes you gotta just sit back and laugh at how bizarre it all is. Take the nipple for instance. There is currently a war being waged against the nipple, but only the female nipple of course. Women can pretty much sustain life straight from our nipples yet they are so taboo that even Barbie dolls are nipp-less. Instagram has banned the female areola, however, there is a page with close ups of both men and womens nipples @genderless_nipples and guess what? Ofcourse Instagram cannot tell the difference so the pics are allowed...🤷‍♀️I wonder whether this Matisia fruit will set off the sinful nipple detector? We can mostly thank the porn industry and puritanical religious views for this ridiculous inequality. #gofreeyourself #freethenipple

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Ahora, la mujer pasa la mayoría de su día desnuda, "libre de ropa que restringe", come frutas y verduras, se ducha en las lluvias monzónicas y bebe de riachuelos de la selva.

Am I going to be nude in every shot now? Yes, nude in the jungle. Free of clothes, labels, shoes, makeup, shaving. It just feels right. Does that mean I'm going to walk around naked with friends or join a nudist colony? Probably not, but it does mean this page will be one where I celebrate my birth-day body in my natural surroundings. Unfortunately female nudity in our modern culture has been oversexualised to the point that we can't even show a damn nipple! Ugh. This stigma is obviously not healthy and breeds embarrassment, shame and disatissfaction with our female bodies. I love how comfortable and confident tribeswomen around the world are with their nude bodies. Not a second thought is given to their saggy breasts. If my body offends you then this isn't the page for you. #gofreeyourself PS - New video up showing my lifestyle for a week, link in bio

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La australiana publica sus fotos en Instagram y videos en YouTube, en las que aparece desnuda o cubriéndose con ropa hecha de materiales orgánicos como cáscaras de coco.

"¿Que si ahora voy a estar desnuda en cada fotografía? Sí, desnuda en la jungla. Libre de ropa, etiquetas, zapatos, maquillaje y depilación. Simplemente, uno se siente bien", escribe la mujer bajo las fotos.

I used to work in a concrete jungle, now I just work in the jungle.🐒 How did this happen? Well, I woke up one morning dreading the work day ahead. I was exhausted with the 9-5 grind. Waking to an alarm, commuting over a hour a day dressed in a restrictive suit, painting my face to 'look the part', binding my feet in high heels, and faking a smile to the public. I was sick of working my life away making someone else rich. Maybe the worst, I was bored. I wanted to be turned on and to FEEL something meaningful everyday. That morning I decided to free myself from being a slave. There wasn't any social media back then so I transitioned by becoming a personal trainer with my own business. Soon after I found veganism and my true passion in life.🤝 Don't be afraid, you CAN create this too. One day I will do a video on it. #gofreeyourself #jungleoffice

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"Sentí que me dieron una segunda oportunidad en la vida. Finalmente fui libre. Durante este tiempo experimenté una alegría que no sabía que existía, con mi nuevo compañero, mi entorno y mi dirección de la vida", aseguró.

11 years ago I renamed myself Freelee during a waterfast because freedom is what I hold most sacred in life. Since then I've been shedding the layers that hold me back. I freed myself from the 9-5 slave drive and moved to the jungle. I spend most of my day nude; free of restrictive clothing. I feast mostly on organic fruits and vegetables picked from the land. I shower in monsoonal rains and drink from pristine creeks. I quit an unhealthy relationship and found peace. I haven't shaved my bodyhair, dyed my hair, or worn makeup in over 6 months... I'm feeling freer than ever in life. This is not random good luck! You too CAN create this freedom, and I'm here to inspire you.🤝 #gofreeyourself (ps- I do not recommend water fasts).

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